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We are a Pitney Bowes MapInfo licensed reseller and have listed their most popular products below, however if you have any other data or software requirements please contact; email or phone on 01189 759387
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MapInfo Professional
MapInfo Professional is a powerful Microsoft® Windows®-based mapping and geographic analysis application. It is a fully customisable and versatile GIS package and is possibly the world's leading software for mapping and geographic analysis and ideally suited for applications such as the management of tree and ecological data. With the ability to run complex queries and spatial analysis and using thematic maps it is an invaluable tool for business and environmental applications alike. You can fully customise MapInfo, making your own tools and menus, by using the MapBasic programming language which since version 9.0 has been free.
Price: £1485.00 + VAT for a single user licence.
Educational licence
Working for an educational establishment or attending as a student?
We offer significant discounts, contact us for prices
Upgrade from earlier versions
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MapInfo Drivetime®
MapInfo Drivetime® is the leading solution for organisations that need to understand, analyse and visualise catchments around existing or new locations to support planning decisions, deliver improved services or maintain competitive advantage.
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Vertical Mapper™
Vertical Mapper™ is an add-on for MapInfo which gives it 3D modelling cpapbilities. It helps you display, manage, and interpret grid-based spatial information by for example contours from height data.
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