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BosqMap software for phase 1 Habitat Survey
We have developed a tool for producing Phase 1 habitat maps simply and easily - it utilises BosqMap Forms. MapInfo fill pallet, line styles and symbols have been customised so that they match the styles in the JNCC Handbook for phase 1 habitat and users simply draw the boundary of the habitat and select the habitat type and a new phase 1 habitat map can be up and ready for digitising in seconds. The software works on all MapInfo versions from 8.0 onwards and we can customise it to exactly meet your specifications. Contact us if you would like us to send you an evaluation version or to find-out about our pricing structure.
Step by step instructions and screenshots are given below.
Step 1 - Run the wizard
Step 2 - select basemap and workspace location etc.
Step 3 - a workspace with all the relevant tables is created and automatically loaded - start drawing your habitats (colours are completed automatically)
Step 4 - add target notes, dominat species and site boundary
Step 5 - fill in the key table
Step 6 - Check your layout and export or print
The map is now complete and ready to be added to the report